Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My 2 learning blog post

Happy poem
It’s better than popcorn ,
Better than a banana,
Staying up late getting up late

It’s better than playing on the playground ‘
Better than going away ,
Frightening my sister with a spider

It’s better than having friend over for the night ,
Better than ice cream and lollies to eat
It’s better than than racing the dog

It’s better than going to the park .
Better than The Simpsons, watching a show every day
Better than watching your t.v show all the time

I made new friends with people,  like my friends .

This is my Happy Poem. I am sharing it because I am proud of my work. I like the ideas that I thought of.


  1. THis is so so cool

  2. THis is my peas of writing that I love and tank you to all you guise out there and
    I love it how you comments that you gave me

    1. wow you really put a lot of work on this. Hope you get lots of comments on it. (cool)

    2. wow you really put a lot of work on this. Hope you get lots of comments on it.:) :O :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. amazing work monica
