In the holidays me, my mum and my little sister went to the movies. We got 2 kids meals, that came with an ice cream, a popcorn which was a small, and a fizzy drink. All my mum got was a fizzy drink and a small popcorn. The movie was about to start so we rushed into the movies and found a place to sit. After we found a place to sit the movie came on . OMG! The sound gave me a fright when it came on. The movie that we were watching was Finding Dory and it was a pretty cool movie so I hope you enjoy. This blog post about finding Dory .
This is Dory swimming under water. I will show you some other photo's of Finding Dory soon so I hope you enjoy this one.

The movie started off like this, one day down in the bottom of the sea there was Dory. She was only a little baby when she wanted to play with her friends but she wasn't aloud because the current was too strong for her to go out so she swam away. In the middle of the movie the only way to get home was to follow the shell path. She found an octopus and it wanted Dory's name tag so it could get home but Dory said no because if she couldn't get home then he wouldn't be able to get home either. So Dory said to the octopus get me home and then I will give you the tag. So,will she get home or not ?